Skiffle was a little before my time. What you see in Them Blinkin’ Jets is that, despite choosing an approach and a title that superficially reflect skiffle, a poem emerges that relies on its own pattern to tell its story. Here the device is in the ‘sendin jets’ line whereas surely a skiffle group would feel compelled to put the title to good use. Subtlety is not a byword for skiffle.
The ‘endin jets’ pattern falls down in any case on that ‘that’s us end in jets’ line; clumsy enough to draw the listener’s attention to the device. A real no-no.
Here though it’s just a matter of editing. The stanza would then read
Pose for a product that costs like a planet breaks the sound barrier by request worth the existing infrastructure lets us end in jets
I know there’s risk here because one could read too literally into what or how it ‘lets us end in jets’. Perhaps one cannot invoke the ‘being allowed to/being given permission to’ element without it distracting or detracting from the rest of the message.
But ‘thats us end in jets’ will never fly
Let’s try another approach
Pose for a product that costs like a planet breaks the sound barrier by request worth the existing infrastructure intents end in jets
Too dramatic and not what I was thinking of so
Pose for a product that costs like a planet breaks the sound barrier by request worth the existing infrastructure interests end in jets