Hardcore pawn

I should add that Downward Trajectory is not finished. I was using it for example purposes and thought I had enough to give you the gist.

At the beginning of the eighties, punk became more aggressive as displayed in hardcore and Oi. Our hardcore sampler then:

Double Life

I adored how you endeared
yourself to polite company
slumped in something

I admired how  things transpired
you were multi-tiered you never tired
you kept abreast of lost innocents
consideration to consolation or recompense
I wanted to sing along
when bitterness entered the litany of song

I admitted how you acquitted yourself so well
a verse out of the casual curse and tell
Decades of decoded decadence
 a chin stroke chain of one last chance
How you hid what you did til they lifted the lid
bade you take your further bid
for freedom to need them

Pun crock

I approach this post with a little more trepidation than most and this is because of my long standing affiliation. It’s easy to get other forms of rock wrong and pass it off as a relative unfamiliarity, I can’t do that with punk.

Long-standing hatred

I was only going to get one chance 
to make my move the circumstance
the lure of a liar in lycra 
fell for lucre full of liquor
a long standing hatred


What’s wrong with this? Well it’s a bit like the reunion gig of Reagan Youth. Perhaps you could still be rude to Governor Jerry Brown in song but the continued relevancy of name checking is never certain. A story about some rough nut butting the former prime minister and barely leaving a mark doesn’t warrant a song; not even for demonstration purposes.

Punk rock in 1976 is as much the province of nihilists as it is anarcho-syndicalists. I always saw it as defiance against authority and against social norms. It’s been absorbed since as the decades roll out more extremes and we become desensitised.

Downward Trajectory

The emperor of the court the truth itself distorts 
at this ad mission abort
The news and views whose choose who skews
We must be cursed to thrust the worst

The mindlessness is more pronounced
than what we had before announced


This is more like it because, even though Downward Trajectory uses big words and is enigmatic, it does have that negative view of state affairs.

With punk rock there’s every disaffection rolled into a bit of noise so this could be some personal story about this girl you know, it could be owning up to being not all there, or it could be talking about the country at large or the system; all on the one album.


Again with the Cowpunk

The problem with the previous effort is that what starts out being a mildly novel take on the naming of US states, the roadtrip song, and ends up sounding more like the cross between an oily crooner and a fratboy than anything cowpunk could throw up.

That doesn’t mean we need to abandon this taxing subject. It’s just sometimes not the best move to be led by the pun.

Folk is interested in the plight of the commoner when the rich are not paying their share and punk is angry at the system. Country could certainly canvass the application of tax on fresh food since their audience are the growers.

Is there more of a rootin’ tootin’ angle to take on tax? It’s not the most promising subject since no one wants to be reminded why they’re already so down when they’re getting down.

Very Taxing Times

They tax the air
of my despair
The circled oircus isn't fair
These are very taxing times

They tax the packs
of fictive acts
suggestive tracts
selective facts

They take a part of every art
chart the ads add to the cart
saw before it starts to smart
Very taxing times 

They press the button get their cut in
on the lam dressed as mutton
shoulders back and suck your gut in
Very taxing times

They leave some figures at your door
Accounts amount a numbered score
saying you'll be paying more
in these very
taxing times